Rabu, 20 Mei 2009

Some Fun Facts About Spain

Spain is a country located in South Western Europe on the Iberian Peninsula.

The capital (and largest city) is Madrid.

The official name of Spain is the Kingdom of Spain (Reino de Espana).

The Population of Spain is estimated to be just over 46 million.

At 504,782 km², Spain is the world’s 51st largest country (comparatively slightly more than twice the size of the American state of Oregon).

Spain is made up of 17 autonomous regions.

The official language of Spain is Spanish (Catalan, Valencian, Gallego, Euskera are independent languages spoken in Catalonia, Valencia, Galicia and The Basque Country).

Spain has the lowest population density in Western Europe (excluding Scandinavia).

In the tourist areas of the Mediterranean coast and the islands, English and German are widely spoken by tourists, expat residents, and local workers.

Spain has over 8,000km of beaches.

Spain has one of the most diverse landscapes and climates in Europe. The region of Almeria in the South East resembles a desert in places, while the North West in winter can expect rain around 20 days out of every month.

The Spanish National Day is 12 October.

Spain’s territory includes the Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean and the Canary Islands in the Atlantic.

The Spanish national anthem is called La Marcha Real (The Royal March).

Some Cities in Spain to visit are Alicante, Barcelona, Granada, Malaga, Murcia, Seville and Valencia.

Spain has a parliamentary monarchy government.

The pomegranate is the symbol of the Spanish city of Granada.

Spain is the 28th most populated country in the world and the sixth most populated country in Europe (after Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Italy and the Ukraine).

Spain’s Currency is the Euro.

If you are traveling to Spain and are a citizen of the European Union, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, or Liechtenstein: all you need is your Identification Card, or a valid passport to gain entry.

The two main newspapers in Spain are El País (The Country) and El Mundo (The World).

Don Quixote (full title: El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha The Ingenious Hidalgo Don Quixote of La Mancha ) is an novel written by Spanish author Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. It is the most influential work of literature to emerge from the Spanish Golden Age and perhaps the entire Spanish canon of literature.

King Henry VIII’s first wife was Spanish. She was called Catherine of Aragon.

Soccer (fútbol) is the most popular spectator sport in Spain.

The average life expectancy in Spain is 79.

Some well known Spanish artists include Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dali and Joan Miró.

During the 16th century, Spain was one of the most powerful empires in the world.

Bullfighting is considered an art as well as a sport and popular attraction. It is also the biggest and most controversial sport in Spain and is an integral part of Spanish history, art and culture with bull rings in all major cities and beyond.

Accepting a second serving is one of the best ways to show appreciation to the cook in Spain.

The patron saint of Spain is Saint James (Santiago)

Madrid is in the physical centre of the country.

There are no tooth fairies in Spain. Instead, there is a tooth mouse named Ratoncito Pérez.

Flamenco is a Spanish term that refers both to a musical genre, known for its intricate rapid passages, and a dance genre characterized by its audible footwork.

Spain is 5 times bigger than the UK with only two thirds of its population.

94 of the people in Spain are Roman Catholic.

Spain is the third biggest country in Europe (after France and the Ukraine).

About the Author:
Albert Beetons wrote this article about Spain on behalf ofhttp://www.casaphoenix.co.uk/ Spanish Villa Rental and http://www.creageiridh.co.ukScottish Holiday Houses

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