Kamis, 07 Mei 2009

The Path of Consciousness

We are alive in the most exciting, interesting or perplexing time the history our Planet Earth has ever seen. We are both knowingly and unknowingly reacting to this time, yet many of us do not understand how the Path of Consciousness affects our emotional stability. Not only do we feel there is more to fear these days, but we are also sensitive to planetary energies that are shifting and changing as we evolve. Mix the different levels of information that we receive from the different pockets of society in which we mix, and many of us are experiencing what feels like confusion, anxiety, stress, depression, insomnia and a deep fear of life in general.

You may well ask, “when did happiness become so elusive?”

Today the information we receive as to how to handle our emotions is a confusing mix of old and new energies that suggests we either pop anti depressants as coping mechanisms, or take a look within ourselves. Such pills are being revealed as the anti “Consciousness” pill that they are; in that they dull us and keeps us unaware and ‘asleep’, yet dimly happy, as we coast through life’s paradoxes in confusion.
Well it doesn’t have to be so hard.

In order to awaken along this path, and experience any level of clarity, we must first get over the fear of experiencing our ‘real’ emotions and open to the possibility that we are ‘More’ than our thoughts and emotions.
Many are becoming aware that there is a force greater than them self propelling them forward in life. But in order to listen to this force one must forgo the numbness suppressing that which put them on the anti “Consciousness” pill in the first place and ponder the concept, “I have these thoughts and emotions, but I am not these thoughts and emotions.”
Integrating Spiritual Intention along The Path of Consciousness is the process of awakening our Awareness to who we are while manifesting our Purpose in Life. Our emotions, which are energy in motion, tell us where we are at on this path. Fatigue comes from boredom and indecision; Energy from implementation of Soul (or Higher) Purpose. Anxiety and Stress indicates that we are off track, or out of alignment with ourselves, that somewhere in life an adjustment needs to be made to bring us back on track. A State of Wellbeing, or Happiness, indicates the shift made was a good one; that we’re back in alignment with Self with Spiritual Intention.

Along this Path toward the Creation of Consciousness we must remember we are all One. Taking care to nurture and nourish oneself is therefore the most important thing you can do to help the Evolutionary Process as well as balance your Inner Self.

It is paramount that we each protect, bless and nurture the precious human body, follow that which makes the heart sing and the mind clear and free to grow. If Spirit sings its song through the heart, then Body is the vehicle through which Spirit walks its path and expresses its mindset. Looking after and taking care of your body and your thoughts, while aligning yourself with the Intention of your Spiritual Heart contributes to not only your personal contentment and wellbeing, but to that of the Universe and each one of us as a whole.

This is your Moral Obligation: To BE YOU and do what You came here to do. It is the single most important focus you can have. The more you be yourself and follow Your Path in Life, the more at ease you are and the more others do the same. This allows us to become more harmonious as a society, more integrated with our Universe and more at One with our experience of life.

Regardless of what expectations you feel someone has of you, being You is the most beautiful and perfect thing you can be.
Once we truly step into being ourselves we become more content, happy and at peace. As we journey inward along our path we unite with our own Inner Wisdom and become more and more aware of the Inner Intelligence we carry as our connection to Source and all that is. It means we are ‘waking up’.

Many of us think we have to do certain things first, or achieve a certain status before we can experience Inner States, such as Peace or Love, or the ability to be “OK”. It’s only rarely though that we experience these Inner States when we try it that way around and in the process we experience anxiety, stress, depression and insomnia. But all these ‘Expressions of Self’ are doing is indicating that we are out of alignment with our Intention, and a shift in perspective is required.

The best way to experience an Inner State such as Peace, Love or OK ness, is to just step into it and have it in other words to shift your perspective and just BE it. As we practice BEING Peace or Love we carry this quality within us and come from this purely peaceful or loving place in all that we do. This spreads that energy out like ripples on a pond.

People love to be around peaceful, loving people who are at least OK, if not deeply happy. The more we each step into such a state of being, all else simply flows with the Life of this Vitality, ultimately raising the vibration to a lighter, less dense level of Being. In this way we become positively infectious as an integrated society living its Oneness.

The question to ask ourselves as we walk this path is “What are we choosing to put our attention on?” For it is that which we pay attention to that we become Conscious of. If one focused upon lack, one would find it. But if we were to seek abundance, we would find that too. The more we bless the negative for being the point of comparison to that which we want, and then pay attention and emphasize effort to the positive opposite, the more we create and experience that which we want.

Remember, You are the master of your own mind. You create the reality in which you live by choosing what You pay attention to and therefore become Conscious of. But you have to test Universal Laws for yourself. You can not take anyone’s word for it, and there is more than just the Law of Attraction that comes into play here. Wisdom comes only via personal experience, not observation. Life is something one must participate in in order to grow and evolve. This means living Consciously, facing Everything and avoiding Nothing, while having faith in the perfect outcome of all things and remembering that the Universe always responds YES. Ultimately thoughts and intentions become things, they may as well be good and positive.

Conscious Awareness of this Dance of Creation between Mind, Body and Spirit is the Foundation of Enlightenment which is the Path of Consciousness. It is the Path and the Goal at the same time. Walking it means we understand there is no such thing as good luck or bad luck. It’s more like “did you listen to your Inner Wisdom and Integrate your Spiritual Intention in all that you did today?”

That which you resist tends to persist. So, you may as well face it all; avoid nothing; fulfil your moral obligation to evolve; and experience the sense of wellbeing that comes from living your Higher Purpose. As we wake up and become consciously aware of what we are paying attention to, our true intention becomes obvious. Now all you have to do is have Fun with your Intentions as you enjoy the Art of Life.

About the Author:
Carmel Cathie, CCHt, B.Soc.Sc. Practitioner of Analytical Hypnotherapy and Integral Spirituality. I seek to work with people open to an Evolutionary Perspective of Spirituality, Growth and Development. The path of Consciousness is Key in the creation of World Peace. http://www.malahypnotherapy.com

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